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Ideal for the following applications

  Physical performance could be improved mainly because of the following components of Salba: w-3 polyunsaturates, iron, essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, due to the observed reductions in inflammatory markers in clinical trials, Salba is ideally suited to aid in sports, increase physical performance, and accelerate physical recovery.

Reason: No other single whole food exists to suit the body’s special demands during increased physical activity.

Due to Salba’s abundant source of essential nutrients, it can easily be applied in weight loss programs, and can be used in formulating meal replacements. Consumption of 100g of Salba results in about 8 times fewer calories from the combined best sources of the same nutrient. In addition, an exceptionally high level of Tryptophan (an amino acid that suppresses appetite) may affect satiety. Also, due to Salba’s high fibre content, constipation related to weight loss diets could be alleviated.

Reason: Increase in obesity of 50% over 8 years in the U.S. has created a major health concern, with a current lack of effective weight loss treatments.

Children & Adolescents

Major recent nutritional surveys in North America demonstrate severe deficiencies of major nutrients in diets of adolescents. Nutrient dense food, w-3 polyunsaturates, folate, iron, calcium and phosphorous.

      Reason: Some of the major food deficiencies found in youths are due to special physiological requirements during development, irregular feeding and specific lifestyle.

Elderly and Aging Population

The aging process could be ameliorated with Salba’s high protein and essential amino acids, w-3 polyunsaturates, antioxidant vitamins and minerals, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and dietary fibre.

Reason: Special needs and demand for healthy and convenient foods by the exponentially  increasing anti-aging population and “baby boomers”.

Women’s Health

Modest daily consumption of Salba provides crucially important nutrients related to women’s health, and their special needs, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, w-3 polyunsaturates, folate, magnesium and antioxidants.

Reason: Inclusion of very specific nutrient requirements that could barely be achieved from regular food sources and modern diets.

Due to high its concentration of dietary fibre, w-3 polyunsaturates, magnesium, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and immunity- boosting nutrients, Salba could be positioned as an efficient regulator of constipation, colonic health and gastrointestinal


Reason: Approximately 50% of adult women, and over 30% of men suffer from constipation. Many others experience other gastrointestinal conditions.

“On-the-Go” Meals

Salba could be used as a supplement or as the key ingredient in many nutrient deficient diets. Salba could also be added to snacks, fast foods and those consuming monotonous diets to compensate for nutritional deficiencies. Due to the exceptional high profile of essential amino acid and essential fatty acid, along with all other nutrients, Salba could be considered the world’s most nutritious food crop, and thus can be used as a global remedy for world hunger.

Reason: Restrictions in quality or quantity of food leads to many health problems and ill conditions. An increasing number of the world’s inhabitants, in developing and developed countries, are exposed to these conditions.

As multi-tasking has become a way of life in western society, fewer adults put time aside for meals through the day. This phenomenon has created a huge market opportunity for tasty nutrient-packed foods that deliver the satiety of a mini-meal while delivering equal or better nutrition. Salba, with its ideal nutrient density, is an optimum key ingredient for nutritious “On the Go” foods.

Reason: Some of the major food and pharmaceutical industries are trying to enter this huge, but underrepresented market.

Speciality Diets

Salba could be used in specialty formulas such as Eternal and Par-eternal nutrition, specialty hospital diets (including patient recovery, starvation, celiac disease, kidney, diabetes, etc.), airline/cruise dining, space programs, AIDS patients, etc.

Reason: Highly deficient areas and availability of adequate food.

Always consult your medical practitioner before taking any additional dietary supplements, particularly if you are receiving medical treatment or you are pregnant or breast-feeding.  Information contained on this web site is for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific medical condition or ailment.

Miracle Foods


Sports/Exercise/Physical Activity

Weight Loss/Wellness

Vegan/Deficiency Diets/Famine

Bowel & Colonic Health

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