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Always consult your medical practitioner before taking any additional dietary supplements, particularly if you are receiving medical treatment or you are pregnant or breast-feeding.  Information contained on this web site is for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific medical condition or ailment.

Miracle Foods

Q:   Why haven't I heard of Marine Phytoplankton before?

      Although scientists have been studying the nutritional content of Marine Phytoplankton for many years the problem has always been, how do you harvest one of Nature's most compete foods without harming the eco-system?  In addition to that, Marine Phytoplankton is a single cell plant and each cell is invisible to the naked eye, so it is not easy to spot where some of these plants are hiding!  Marine Phytoplankton can be seen when large numbers of these tiny organisms are growing together in one place - but you would need to drain the ocean of many millions of tons of sea water to gather sufficient quantities of Phytoplankton for human needs.  This in turn would have the effect of depleting a valuable resource that marine life depends on.  The long term consequences could be catastrophic for our planet.

Q:   So how do you overcome this problem?

      It was an extraordinary piece of good fortune (or divine intervention?) that enabled the world to finally gain access to one of Nature's most elusive nad complete food sources.  In 2004, a Canadian shellfish farmer developed a method of growing Marine Phytoplankton on land in order to feed the shellfish he was cultivating for export.  For eight years he had experimented with many different species of Phytoplankton before perfecting his formula.

It was the rapid increase in the qulaity and growth of his shellfish (including clams, mussels and oysters), that convinced him he was onto something, although at this stage no one had produced any real evidence that marine phytoplankton could benefit human health.

It wasn't until the farmer was diagnosed with a rare and incurable cancer (Mesothelioma) that he instinctively 'stuck two fingers' in one of the tanks containingthe phytoplankton and put a small amount of the green paste into his mouth to eat.  The reasoning was that if the algae was good enough for his shellfish, it might do him some good too!  He continued eating the algae every day for around two weeks, then noticed the pain in his body was subsiding.

Surgeons later conducted a biopsy prior to performing a life threatening operation, and were amazed to discover the cancerous tumours in his lungs were now benign!

Q:   Are algae like Spirulina and Chlorella similar to Marine Phytoplankton?

      Spirulina and Chlorella do have certain similarities, but they grow in fresh water environment as opposed to sea water, and they have different nutritional profile.  It appears that Marine Phytoplankton is more readily absorbed by the cells of the body where the nutrients can be most beneficial.  It is interesting to note that over 100,000 of these tiny plants can fit inside just one drop of water!

      Batch samples of Marine Phytoplankton are regularly tested in a laboratory to ensure there are no harmful contaminants present, unlike much of the produce that is sold in grocery stores and supermarkets!

Q:   How do I know that Marine Phytoplankton is safe to eat?

Q:   I am on medication, should I talk to my doctor before taking this product?

       Yes.  Although the formulation contains only natural ingredients (no additives, colourings or preservatives) it is always recommended that you discuss any change to your normal diet with a health care professional first.  It may be that you can start to reduce your level of medication, but that should be a decision for your doctor.

Q:   If Marine Phytoplankton can help someone with a particular medical             condition that I also suffer from, can I expect similar results?

      It is important to stress that Marine Phytoplankton is a highly nutritious food that therefore cannot  directly 'treat' or 'cure' any illness or disease.  What is can do is feed the cells of the body with a quite remarkable combination of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutirents.  It is then possible for the body to function more effectively in the vital function of cell growth and regeneration.  You should also be aware that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.  However, medical opinion is now moving towards the idea that 'complete food', that is, a diet containing everything the cells in our body need to stay healthy, is the best way to help fight off disease and illness.

Q:   Marine Phytoplankton contains some lements I have never heard of.            Are they compatible with our body chemistry?

       To find out what your own body is made of - or should be - please visit this excellent web page:









Marine Phytoplankton

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